那邊不但書籍多又齊全,而且折扣也不少。重點是在網路上買,只要在家等,就會有人送書來,真是好方便啊。最近,我到博客來逛逛,看到了 Reading Steps (3) with Audio CD-1片 ,好像很不錯的樣子!
趁著最近比較空閒,可以看看書。所以就趕緊下單將Reading Steps (3) with Audio CD-1片 買回來喔。希望Reading Steps (3) with Audio CD-1片 的內容不會讓我失望。
和我一樣對Reading Steps (3) with Audio CD-1片 有興趣的朋友,也可以上博客來查查喔。
Reading Steps (3) with Audio CD-1片
商品網址: 博客來網路書店歡迎您http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/readgirl0001/products/0010487108
Reading Steps is a reading program that helps students strengthen language fluency and vocabulary. Important reading comprehension strategies and skills such as previewing text, understanding purpose for reading, or summarizing are covered thoroughly with a special emphasis on key vocabulary. This reading program is an excellent supplement to any main course book, or can easily be used for summer school and after school programs.
Each lesson in Reading Steps consists of博客來 語言
-Main reading passage
-Reading comprehension
-Key vocabulary
-Skill practice
-After Reading activity
- 作者: McGraw-Hill Education
- 出版社:東華
- 出版日期:2010/10/20
- 語言:英文
Reading Steps (3) with Audio CD-1片
: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/readgirl0001/products/0010487108